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Counterfeit Warning

The presence of counterfeit products in the market place is an unfortunate reality for many luxury brands, including pediped®. Though we aggressively pursue removal of this product through various means, please be aware that there are counterfeit pediped® products being offered to consumers, primarily through online websites, auction sites and trade boards. If you are viewing pediped® products online anywhere other than or an authorized online retailer, this product may be counterfeit. If you do not buy pediped® products from or one of our authorized retailers listed in the Store Locator, you may assume you are purchasing counterfeit product. Note, that many of our authorized online retailers are not listed on the store locator if they do not have a brick and mortar location. If you are unsure, please email us at [email protected] and we will let you know if the store is an authorized retailer.

How can I tell if a pediped® shoe is authentic?

The craftsmanship of pediped® footwear is never paralleled in non-authentic merchandise. pediped Originals® feature a unique whip-stitch which is proprietary to pediped®. For more information, see Intellectual Property. You can be confident that your footwear is real if it was purchased from an authorized pediped® retailer.

pediped® is a registered trademark throughout the world. Use of the pediped® name without permission is considered counterfeiting and warrants legal action. Authentic pediped® products are not sold at "home parties," or flea markets. If a pediped® product is purchased in any of these places, risk of being defrauded is highly likely. The sale and distribution of counterfeit product is a crime under federal and many state laws, and is punishable by imprisonment and fines. The manufacturers of counterfeit product do not pay taxes, do not pay fair wages or benefits to their employees, frequently utilize child labor, and have been known to fund terrorism and other serious crimes with the profits of counterfeiting.

Please report counterfeiting by emailing us at [email protected]. Thank you for your concern regarding this serious matter.